Indexing Services

A high quality index increases the value of your book, making it more useful to readers. After reading your book, I build a well-crafted back-of-the-book index that helps readers easily access the most important information.

The cost of an index ranges from $3.75 to $7 per indexable page. The rate depends on the type of book, density and complexity of the material, length restrictions of the index, and the timeline of the project.

I seek to support organizations, publishers, presses, and authors that focus on social justice, equity, and human rights. In alignment with my values, a portion of my income from book indexing is redistributed to grassroots organizations or mutual aid funds.

If you are self-publishing your book and are interested in my indexing services, I am open to a trade rather than a typical invoice. Please reach out! I’m especially excited about local honey, yarn, homemade jam, plants, and plant seeds, but we can figure it out together.